1936 Audi Union Type C Wallpapers

1936 Audi Union Type C
1936 Audi Union Type C PICTURES

The first of these fearsome machines was named the Auto Union Type A and its first major track victory would come, fittingly enough, in the German Grand Prix of 1934 with Stuck at the wheel. The Type A produced 295 hp, but work continued on the car and for 1935, the Type B would up this to 375 hp and add torsion bar rear springs which improved the car's handling, even though the tyre technology of the day could barely keep up with the Auto Union's technology.
1936 Audi Union Type C
1936 Audi Union Type C PICS

1936 Audi Union Type C
1936 Audi Union Type C PHOTOS

1936 Audi Union Type C
1936 Audi Union Type C IMAGES

1936 Audi Union Type C
1936 Audi Union Type C WALLPAPERS